Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Inspiration At Its Finest

One of my favorite things about the way my mind works is that an idea can strike me at anytime and in any place regardless of any variables, influences or distractions. This idea will then proceed to completely consume my every thought until I have developed the notion to my utmost ability. While this is one of my many joys as a writer it is also something I dread the most. You see, that whole “anytime, any place” rule applies even when I am sleeping soundly, peacefully and without a care in the world for the first night in what would seem to be ages. (Which of course brings me to this current post.) I was sharply awakened with a stroke of genius and an immense amount of inspiration accompanied by a newfound dose of adrenaline that is bound to keep me up for hours. I don’t so much mind that however, for you see this is when my work is simply at its finest. I have written a mission statement, editor’s note and have finally finished my first article for CBU’s prospective magazine debuting in the fall. I have had a terrible case of what my alter ego, Holly Golightly, would call "the mean reds" as of late and have been stumped at the thought of writing a single sentence; so you see, this is indeed a great achievement. Sadly however, this sudden burst of enlightenment and productivity is costing me some of my ever so precious and very much needed hours of sleep. I will be cranky tomorrow, but my work shall be flawless. Such is my life...