Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Internet:1 Government:0

I will be the first to admit that in the hustle and bustle that is college life I have recently been lacking in keeping up with the news. I try, I skim, I tweet… but really, let’s be honest-- how is reading a few tweets from major and local news organizations really staying updated on the latest information? That has recently begun to change, though.

Recently headlines regarding the latest Wikileaks fiasco have caught my attention. I was even able to speak with a German citizen who is very involved in German politics and works with some of the politicians. The wonder as to why someone from America would release such damaging information about America itself is simply beyond me.

That is where this article, “Who Are Those ‘Anonymous’ WikiLeak Hacktivists?” caught my eye. The article, written by Natasha Tiku from The Daily Intel at New York Magazine, goes into detail about the self-appointed group who were behind the attacks of companies, such as Visa and MasterCard, who stopped serving WikiLeaks. This group of supposedly around 1,000 people “with no command structure, who come together when the spirit moves them” is made up of an unlikely group. “Ranks are mostly filled with teenagers, but there are also ‘parents, IT professionals and people who happen to have time - and resources - on their hands,’ says the Guardian.”

A spokesman from the group explained the reasoning behind the actions taken today.

“Anonymous is supporting WikiLeaks not because we agree or disagree with the data that is being sent out, but we disagree with any from of censorship on the internet. If we let WikiLeaks fall without a fight then governments will think they can just take down any sites they wish or disagree with.”

The article goes on to explain how the biggest worry of Americans was that our National Security would be compromised via Internet hackings and well; this is proving to be true.

My biggest wonder about all of the articles pertaining to the WikiLeaks and this one in particular is how Americans could see any of this as being right or patriotic in any way. They even admit that they are in fact breaking the law, but think it’s OK because they are exercising their right to post things on the Internet and do not want to see an Internet that is censored by the government.

The question that comes into play here is whether or not this is really “censorship” by our government or them protecting our country and their information. It sounds to me as though it is more of a protection move rather than censorship, but this idea seems to have many followers and they are continually growing in number. The statement at the end of this article sums up things quite well, which is something I love about New York Magazine.

“Remember when the all the crowing about hacking being our biggest threat to national security seemed overblown? The Internet won this round. Governments, your move.”

*Posted for credit for JRN215

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

To beat or not to beat...

So here we are once again. The school year has begun and I have returned to my ever so neglected blog. One of these days I’m really going to get serious about this thing. (Maybe if I keep saying it it’ll actually happen. It’s possible, right? Right?)

What beckons me to post this time? My beat. What is my beat? Great question! If you happen to know then you should really consider filling me in because I’m not entirely sure. I’m kind of shooting in the dark and hoping to hit my target!

However, distraught at this fact I finally set aside a few precious moments (because as a college student, every moment that could be spent napping is indeed quite precious) to discuss this predicament with my wonderful EIC, Monica. We talked about what I like (which got us nowhere because I like so many things), we talked about what I do (which got us nowhere because I’m constantly in motion doing different things) and finally we talked about my work (BINGO!).

Seeing as how I am so heavily involved with the publications at California Baptist University that is typically where my time is spent. My world has revolved around college students, viral videos, social networks and other things of this nature. That actually sounds a bit shallow, but perhaps that’s simply because it is. Just kidding! Well, kind of. (Let’s be real here) But there are some serious things in there as well, which makes me feel like a bit more of a grown-up I suppose.

After cycling through all of these areas (and then some) Monica sent me on my way with the beat of (drum roll, please) Student Affairs.

What is Student Affairs exactly? Great question! (You’re simply full of those today, aren’t you?) Student affairs involves everything that college students love. What makes them tick. What they do with their spare time. What they stress out about. How they’re getting the money they desperately need. How they manage their time. Everything that involves students.

I’m pretty excited to explore this beat further in-depth than I already do. It is going to provide an opportunity for me to get to know my target audience better and will provide better, more applicable stories in the publications for the lovely students of CBU.

So, what is the moral to this wonderful would-be-fable that is my life and blog post today? (Oh yes, there is one; you didn’t think there was, did you?) Talk with your EIC! They are there to guide you and they know what they want to see, so if you don’t know what to give them… just ask!

*Posted for credit for JRN215

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Inspiration At Its Finest

One of my favorite things about the way my mind works is that an idea can strike me at anytime and in any place regardless of any variables, influences or distractions. This idea will then proceed to completely consume my every thought until I have developed the notion to my utmost ability. While this is one of my many joys as a writer it is also something I dread the most. You see, that whole “anytime, any place” rule applies even when I am sleeping soundly, peacefully and without a care in the world for the first night in what would seem to be ages. (Which of course brings me to this current post.) I was sharply awakened with a stroke of genius and an immense amount of inspiration accompanied by a newfound dose of adrenaline that is bound to keep me up for hours. I don’t so much mind that however, for you see this is when my work is simply at its finest. I have written a mission statement, editor’s note and have finally finished my first article for CBU’s prospective magazine debuting in the fall. I have had a terrible case of what my alter ego, Holly Golightly, would call "the mean reds" as of late and have been stumped at the thought of writing a single sentence; so you see, this is indeed a great achievement. Sadly however, this sudden burst of enlightenment and productivity is costing me some of my ever so precious and very much needed hours of sleep. I will be cranky tomorrow, but my work shall be flawless. Such is my life...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Eight Steps to Getting Over Him

So, you got those dreaded words, “We need to talk.” These are quite possibly some of the most dangerous words when it comes to relationships. The guy of your dreams you’ve been dating for over a year has decided that you should no longer see each other. Who knows what made him come to this dreadful and obviously wrong decision, but nonetheless, the decision has been made and that leaves you with the difficult task of moving on. Here are some easy tips to help you through this rough time.

1. Don’t blame yourself. Don’t spiral yourself downward into a deeper depression than you are already in by finding ways to blame yourself. Focusing only on your flaws and where you went wrong in the relationship is not going to do you or anyone else any good.

2. Don’t hate him. While it may be easy to let out all of your furry on this obviously foolish man for letting you go, but don’t do it! You never know what could happen down the line and you running your mouth about him, posting angry blogs or a Facebook status may blow any chance you had of getting back together. Also, it just makes you look bad and not in control of your emotions.
Here’s a tip: Your anger and hurt needs to go somewhere. Journal it.

3. Have a girl's night. You need the support and the company. Surround yourself with uplifting people who won’t let you be depressed all the time. Keeping your spirits up and your attitude in check is key when going through this.

4. Give yourself one day. You don’t need to bring yourself down by spending a bunch of time mourning over your loss. However, it is healthy to spend some time doing so. Give yourself a day of nothing. Clear your schedule and do what you need to do.

5. Lots of ice cream and chocolate. Your new best friends are dying to comfort you. Grab some Ben & Jerry’s, a comfy blanket and get ready to let the tears fall.

6. Watch a movie. Find your favorite chick-flick and slip it in. Laugh, cry and get it all out. Watch it with your favorite girlfriends and make sure to have a good time.

7. Put things in a box. This guy was obviously important to you— don’t throw everything away! You’ll regret it if you do. However, you don’t need to surround yourself with these constant little reminders. So, gather everything he’s ever given you and put it in a box or two boxes or however many boxes it takes. Load them up and pack them away until you are ready to be around it all again.

8. Get back out there. Don’t stay in a rut. There are way too many exciting people to meet and exotic places to see. Don’t waste your time slumping around. Grab that dancing dress, your favorite girls and hit the clubs for some dancing. As Rihanna says, “Gotta get your body moving, shake the stress away.”

And there you have it. Much easier said than done, but you won’t regret it. Hang in there girl and stay strong. You will get through it and you’ll be better because of it.

*Posted for credit for JRN 412

Thursday, March 25, 2010

4,105 Balloons

4,105 balloons. 4,105 dreams. The number represents each person at CBU and each balloon represents their dream. But how can that be? I fee like just on my own I have 4,105 dreams.

Sure, my dreams have very much changed over the years and many have faded. I used to dream of being in a rock band, of playing college ball or going to the Olympics with my horse… but things happen, injuries occur, paths change and before you know it you wind up feeling like you have no dreams at all.

So then what do you do when you come to this place? Everything you have ever wished for is gone. Everything you have worked hard for no longer matters. The time you spent on it seems wasted and whatever you do from that point on seems useless.

If you can’t tell, I have been in this place; on more than one occasion I might add. It is not a fun place to be in; dark and unsure. Audrey Hepburn put it ever so well in her role as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s when she said, “The blues are because you're getting fat and maybe it's been raining too long, you're just sad that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of.” I feel like I have often been in this state where the mean reds sneak up on me. Depression sets in and before you know it you are feeling completely empty. This is truly one of the most difficult places to be, easiest places to fall and hardest to get out of. But it is possible.

It took me reaching my lowest of lows to realize that God has a bigger plan for me; His dream [will]. It took me a long time to realize it and to be okay with it. At times I still struggle with it and those darn mean reds sneak up, but I know that I am where He wants me to be and doing what He wants me to do and what will bring Him glory in the end. That is what brings me the true joy that I have, the knowledge that I am pleasing Him and living His dream [will] for me.

So what is my dream? What is His will for me? I would spell it out for you if I could, but I do not think it is really that easy. It is something I know in my heart though and something I strive after with everything that I am.

What does 4,105 balloons mean to me? Nothing. What does God’s will mean to me? Everything.

*Posted for credit for JRN412

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So What Is Blogging Anyway?

Blogging. Some use it to vent about the horrible fight they had with their boyfriend, show the world what an adorable puppy they have and how no one on earth seems to understand them. Others use it as a way of reaching others with their work, sharing news, breaking news and announcing new products. It has also been one of the leading tools of convergent media and allowing freelance writers to get their work out there and noticed.

So what then is it really all about? I know my blog has taken the role of getting school assignments done. That’s not all that I want it to be, but with the busyness of college life that is where it stands.

But what do others blog about? And why? This is the question that plagues me today, so let’s just take a look shall we?

The first blog I stumbled upon is This blog is run by four different people and describes the purpose of their blog as, “a non-profit writing center dedicated to nurturing writers and connecting readers with the wealth of writing talent in the Boston area.”

The writing style changes with every post, as they are being written by different writers, but overall I like the flow of their writing. A lot of the subject matter (which seems to mostly consist of baseball) lost my interest however, though that could be due to the fact that it’s all very local based, and well, I’m not from Boston.

I did however enjoy the fact that they have a guest writer every Friday to sort of spruce things up as it were.

Now onto blog #2 I really enjoy this blog. The writer has yet to reveal her identity and blogs under the alias of “Bird”. I’m kind of a fan of this. She states the purpose of her blog as, “Poetry, musings, observations, commentary, rants, confessions...and who knows what else!” So, pretty much whatever floats its way into her mind will find its way to becoming a blog post. She does everything from “Top Ten Milestones Indicating You Are No Longer Dating But Are In A Relationship” to her trip to Europe to a rant about birth control.

I like her writing style, though that could be because it reminds me of my own voice from time to time.

So, here we have three different types of blogs: My own, with the purpose of passing my classes, Grublog, with the purpose of connecting readers and writers together and Bird with the purpose of, well, being Bird. But what role does blogging play in media today? I would assume a rather large one.

Blogs can be used in sending out the latest news, announcing the release of a new product, providing advertisement and getting consumer reports on how business is doing.

Blogs serve a multitude of different purposes, but overall they are one of the leading forms of social media today and are certainly things to be mastered.

*Posted for credit for JRN371

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hearing God's Voice

Hearing God’s voice. It’s something every Christian will talk about. Whether it be “yielding to His will” or “Feeling His spirit” or countless other names that we as Christians label hearing God’s voice speak to us. It’s something we all strive for and something that doesn’t always come so easy to some as it does others.

Hearing God’s voice is not something that came easily to me. I am a very independent person who likes to have control over things that are going on. I need to know what’s going on at all times and know at least three ways of bailing out if need be. It’s a security thing for me I guess you could say. Because of this though it took me years to finally figure out how to listen and yield to God’s voice. Here are some quick tips on how I was able to finally settle myself down and hear God speak to me. These may not work for everyone, but they have certainly helped me out.

First of all, I need to be alone. I need my space away from the world and from the typical distractions of the day. I turn off my phone for a bit and if I’m home I tell friends and family to not bother me or that I’m taking a nap or something so I won’t be disturbed.

Secondly, I pray. I pray for God’s help in clearing my mind of trivial things and from trying to take control and go with the answer I want or am looking for. I pray for discernment, guidance and sometimes to just be slapped over the head with His will because sometimes that’s the only way it will get through to me.

Next, I pull out my Bible. The Bible is the Word of God, so why not start there when I’m trying to hear from him?

After praying and reading for awhile I will sit and reflect and be as “still” as possible. (Figuratively, not physically) I again attempt to clear my mind and really focus on what God is trying to say to me. Usually I will also wrestle with certain thoughts and outcomes in my head.

Typically after that I will journal as a way to organize my thoughts and be able to look back at what I felt like God was telling me.

I will then close with a short prayer and go about my day.

And there you have it. This is not the only way I hear God's voice, but when I really need guidance or am making a big decision this is what I do. It may not be the “best” way or even the most organized way of hearing God’s voice, but it is something that has worked for me personally and who knows, maybe some of these tips will work for you as well.

*Posted for credit for JRN371

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Spoiled Rotten

Valentine’s Day. Single Awareness Day (S.A.D.). Whatever you call it, you cannot escape it.

Pink, red and white suddenly become every girl’s new favorite color. Teddy bears, flowers, chocolates and little blue boxes holding their supposed “best friend” consume the woman’s every thought.

Are you seeing a trend here?

Candle lit dinners, cute romantic comedies and little limericks to show his affection. Elaborate dates, expensive gifts and the simple hope for a goodnight kiss.

How about now? No? Let me help you out. How many of the things listed above apply to men? Other than the fact that they are the ones breaking their backs to attempt to please their girl by being sweet to her? This seems to constantly be the trend with Valentine’s Day. Girls expect their men to spoil them rotten and typically do nothing in return other than a nice homemade card he’ll naturally forget about or throw away. Why is this the trend?

I suppose I can’t exactly single this attitude out to only applying on Valentine’s Day. Every single day of the year men are taken advantage of. Women can at times be spoiled, obnoxious, selfish brats. And I’ll admit, I definitely have my moments of taking the gold for each of those categories. And the ever growing number of Hollywood romance movies filling our minds with this stigma isn’t helping matters much.

So why not change things? Why not take your guy out go-kart racing every once in awhile? Why not surprise him with a date YOU planned for HIM? Out of 10 different guys I talked to they all agreed that they would really appreciated it if their girlfriends did something special for them.

So there you have it. Short. Simple. To the point.

Make your guy feel special— he deserves it.

*Posted for credit for JRN371

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Hope for Haiti"

It’s incredible how it takes a disaster to recognize a nation. Now I’m not saying that I’m miss perfect over here and recognize all of the poverty that surrounds us in this world; I am just as guilty as the next person when it comes to not taking the time to educate myself on such things. If you were to ask me a few weeks ago where Haiti was or if it were even a country at all I couldn’t have told you or even taken a guess. Why is it that it takes a catastrophe, such as a 7.0 earthquake striking, in order to make a country known? Are we really that caught up in our own lives that we don’t recognize the poverty in the world or the fact that people all over the world are living on less than $2.00 a day, like those in Haiti, while we’re spending $5.00 every morning on our Starbucks fix?

We go about our daily lives without a care in the world, other than the typical drama we seem to always have floating around, while those in places such as Haiti are starving, infected with HIV or Tuberculosis, are completely illiterate and living in poverty with no hope of getting out. Now, I have never really been one to go out and take a stand on being globally aware, but this disaster has kind of smacked me in the head and made me think and begin to realize that we need to care about what’s going on in the world. It shouldn’t take a 7.0 earthquake killing thousands of helpless bystanders to wake us up. We should be active in aiding countries around the world before a disaster strikes.

There have been reports of over 150,000 people killed, some may still be buried alive and others are dealing with the aftermath of the quake, such as injuries and breakouts of infections. There is only one hope for Haiti and that is to rely on the strength, the kindness and the donations of others to get through this time. You have the information, you have the means— what are you going to do about it?

Ways to give:

You can also send aid via text message and have it on your next phone bill:

Text “Yele” to 501501 to make a $5.00 donation
Text “HAITI” to 20222 to make a $10.00 donation
Text “Haiti” to 90999 to make a $10.00 donation

*Posted for credit for JRN 371

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year's Eve: Fail

Everyone’s always looking for adventure on New Year’s Eve and most everyone comes back with some sort of tale of grandeur. Typically, as everyone brags about their stories to see who ends up as top dog, I tend to try to fade into the background and hope to not have to share my New Year’s Eve story of boring ho-hum. However, this year, I decided things were going to be different.

It started off fairly typical, so I decided to shake things up. I had heard that my friend, Alysa, would be down in Riverside, so I developed a plan to kidnap her. As I should have expected, things went horribly wrong and I ended up utterly lost and confused in the most dreadful apartment complex I have ever had the so called “pleasure” of encountering. After maneuvering between to the 20 plus buildings making up this contraption I had no choice but to call for back up, which also meant ruining the surprise.

Alysa was still shocked to see me, so I guess it didn’t all go to waste. We then proceeded to head to my house, dolled ourselves up and headed out to our favorite place, Yardhouse. The bar was pretty legit that night and the ever so enchanting acts of catching up ensued; beginning with break and school and leading down the ever so juicy roads of family and guys. Alysa and I were treated to a gorgeous waiter with quite possibly the most random name, Fabion- we called him Fabio.

Fabio was all too good to us during dinner and even offered to not card my friend or I for some of the house’s specialty drinks. My ever so sheltered friend stared at the brute in utter disbelief, so I quickly jump in informing Fabio we would be driving in a short bit so we shouldn’t have anything, but were deeply flattered by the offer. He then picked up the tab on our check and we headed out. Thanks for dinner, Fabio.

The long car ride of rocking out to Kesha and Lady GaGa followed our pre-game at Yardhouse as we headed south to visit the wonderful Miss Katie. We ended up lost; although I’m not really sure one could consider it lost. We were on the same street, the right street too I might add, but it took us 20 minutes to find the blasted house. Note to self, find friends who don’t live in the middle of nowhere, or at least have street lights to aide in finding addresses.

The party was pretty typical, the clock struck twelve and everyone immediately broke off into their ever so evenly paired off couples. Alysa, who just broke up with her boyfriend, and me, whose heart could not be any more confused at the moment as to what it wants, stood awkwardly and decided that was our cue to leave.

Final Count: Getting lost twice, one hott waiter, one free dinner, one rock out dance session, one majorly awkward moment, six drunk dials throughout the night and still a typical ho-hum New Year’s Eve.

Such is my life.

*Posted for credit for JRN 371