Friday, April 16, 2010

Eight Steps to Getting Over Him

So, you got those dreaded words, “We need to talk.” These are quite possibly some of the most dangerous words when it comes to relationships. The guy of your dreams you’ve been dating for over a year has decided that you should no longer see each other. Who knows what made him come to this dreadful and obviously wrong decision, but nonetheless, the decision has been made and that leaves you with the difficult task of moving on. Here are some easy tips to help you through this rough time.

1. Don’t blame yourself. Don’t spiral yourself downward into a deeper depression than you are already in by finding ways to blame yourself. Focusing only on your flaws and where you went wrong in the relationship is not going to do you or anyone else any good.

2. Don’t hate him. While it may be easy to let out all of your furry on this obviously foolish man for letting you go, but don’t do it! You never know what could happen down the line and you running your mouth about him, posting angry blogs or a Facebook status may blow any chance you had of getting back together. Also, it just makes you look bad and not in control of your emotions.
Here’s a tip: Your anger and hurt needs to go somewhere. Journal it.

3. Have a girl's night. You need the support and the company. Surround yourself with uplifting people who won’t let you be depressed all the time. Keeping your spirits up and your attitude in check is key when going through this.

4. Give yourself one day. You don’t need to bring yourself down by spending a bunch of time mourning over your loss. However, it is healthy to spend some time doing so. Give yourself a day of nothing. Clear your schedule and do what you need to do.

5. Lots of ice cream and chocolate. Your new best friends are dying to comfort you. Grab some Ben & Jerry’s, a comfy blanket and get ready to let the tears fall.

6. Watch a movie. Find your favorite chick-flick and slip it in. Laugh, cry and get it all out. Watch it with your favorite girlfriends and make sure to have a good time.

7. Put things in a box. This guy was obviously important to you— don’t throw everything away! You’ll regret it if you do. However, you don’t need to surround yourself with these constant little reminders. So, gather everything he’s ever given you and put it in a box or two boxes or however many boxes it takes. Load them up and pack them away until you are ready to be around it all again.

8. Get back out there. Don’t stay in a rut. There are way too many exciting people to meet and exotic places to see. Don’t waste your time slumping around. Grab that dancing dress, your favorite girls and hit the clubs for some dancing. As Rihanna says, “Gotta get your body moving, shake the stress away.”

And there you have it. Much easier said than done, but you won’t regret it. Hang in there girl and stay strong. You will get through it and you’ll be better because of it.

*Posted for credit for JRN 412

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